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At GYM 115, the health of our staff and members is paramount. We will not take risks during this volatile time and therefore vow to ensure that we follow correct procedure at all times.

We will –

  • Adhere to NSW Health Advice at all times
  • Strict 1.5 meter distancing rule
  • Booking system will be placed to use the gym facility and classes. This will ensure guidelines are followed with a max amount of people at all times.
  • Some equipment will not be operational during this time, for example not all treadmills will be on
  • Members are not to visit the facility if they’re unwell
  • We have given instructors the right to ask members discreetly to leave the facility if they present unwell
  • Little or no equipment will be used in classes. No circuit style classes
  • Members are asked to wipe down their equipment before and after their workouts
  • Large towels must be used
  • Sanitizer is available within the facility
  • Disinfectant used is hospital grade that kills viruses including the coronavirus.

Safety Plan & Obligations


The following plan has been developed using evidence-based recommendations, endeavouring to protect our staff, gym clients and visitors from the risk of COVID 19 as far as is practicable.

The following plan utilises the Safe Work Australia COVID 19 safe workplace principles and is consistent with current advice from health authorities and Fitness Australia.


1. Communication to staff and members

Gym 115 communicate regularly with staff and members in relation to health and safety matters for the COVID 19 pandemic, including infection control measures that have been implemented in gyms. This is done in meetings, emails to staff, newsletters to gym members and posters displayed throughout the gyms.

2. Training

All staff have completed the Australian Government online COVID infection control training module.

3. Physical Distancing

Staff, members and visitors to our gyms are to maintain a distance of 1.5 meters where practicable.

Gym strategies to ensure a physical distance of 1.5 meters can be maintained include:

  • The number of people in the GYM at any given time is to be minimised to 1 person per four square meters of floor space.
  • The maximum number of members able to attend the gym at any time is 70. This has been calculated by measuring the indoor spaces (length by width) and divided by 4 (staff numbers are included).
  • Movement throughout the gym of both staff and members is closely monitored.
  • Work areas have been redesigned to ensure adequate distance between staff (1.5 meters).
  • Some Staff meetings are undertaken using zoom.
  • The Gym manager regularly monitors and reviews Gym social distancing guidelines including adherence to Gym policies.
  • To ensure customers and staff keep at least 1.5 metres apart while exercising.
  • Restricting the number of customers allowed in specified areas
  • Asking customers to leave the premises once they have completed their workout session
  • Allowing a 15 minute space between classes

4. Deliveries and visitors attending the Gyms (including contractors)

  • Non-essential visits to the workplace should be cancelled or postponed.
  • Ensure handwashing facilities, or if not possible, alcohol-based hand sanitiser is readily available for staff after physically handling deliveries.
  • Use, and ask delivery drivers and contractors to use, electronic paperwork where possible, to minimise physical interaction.
  • Where possible, set up alternatives to requiring signatures. For instance, a confirmation email or a photo of the loaded or unloaded goods may be accepted as proof of delivery or collection (as applicable).
  • If a pen or other utensil is required for signature, ideally use your own pen or ask that the pen or utensil is cleaned or sanitised before use.

5. Handwashing and hygiene

Sound personal hygiene and regular hand washing is encouraged and supported at our Gyms.

  • Staff have received education as to when hand washing is indicated and also appropriate technique. Posters explaining how to wash hands are displayed throughout the Gyms.
  • Staff have received education in relation to hygiene methods to limit the spread of viruses and other air-born organisms including but not limited to coughing and sneezing into their elbow or tissue, avoiding touching their face, hygienic disposal of tissues (Australian Government online COVID infection control training).
  • Sink facilities are available within the Gym bathrooms to enable hand washing with soap and water.
  • Alcohol based hand sanitiser is available in multiple locations including but not limited to every room throughout the gym. -Checklist.pdf

6. Cleaning and Disinfecting

  • Members are asked to clean equipment before and after every workout
  • Our staff routinely clean their work area, using wipes impregnated with universal disinfectant when leaving for breaks and at the end of each day. May2020.pdf

7. Incident Notification

Our Gyms are mandated by the NSW Work Health and safety Regulator and NSW Health to notify SafeWork NSW of a case of COVID-19 arising out of the conduct of the business or undertaking. Notification is made by calling SafeWork NSW on 13 10 50. Provision of personal details of the affected person is not required. Notifications must be made regardless of whether NSW Health is already aware of the case.

8. Worker obligations

Workers are obliged by Work, Health and Safety laws to do what is both reasonable and practicable to protect themselves and others.

At Gym 115 our staff are requested to:

  • Stay at home if unwell. In particular, if you have a fever, sore throat, cough, runny nose and/or shortness of breath.
  • Stay at home if you become aware of any potential exposure to COVID 19. In particular, if a person you have been in contact with reports an epidemiological history or develops symptoms which meet with COVID 19 testing criteria and/or have tested positive.
  • Inform your manager ASAP of your need to stay home. Contact your GP and follow instructions re testing for COVID 19 and self-isolation.
  • Staff are encouraged to advise the Gym Manager if they believe they are a “vulnerable worker” so that steps can be taken to minimise their risk. This is managed on a case by case basis and in consultation with the person and their health advisor.
  • Download the COVID Safe App.
  • This is recommended but voluntary. As per the Australian Privacy Legislation, workers will not be asked if the have or have not downloaded the app.
  • Maintain a social distance of 1.5 meters. Follow organisational guidelines in relation to establishing and maintaining adequate social distance

  • Practice sound personal hygiene including but not limited to washing hands with soap and water, using hand sanitiser regularly and ensuring appropriate cough/sneezing etiquette

9. Member Obligations

At Gym 115 our members are requested to:

  • Not attend the Gym if unwell. In particular, have a fever, sore throat, cough, runny nose and/or shortness of breath.
  • Not attend the Gym if you become aware of any potential exposure to COVID 19. In particular, if a person you have been in contact with reports an epidemiological history or develops symptoms which meet with COVID 19 testing criteria and/or have tested positive.
  • The onus is on the member to determine if they are “vulnerable” and can safely resume fitness activities at the Gym.
  • Members may be asked to leave the facility if they present unwell

Member declaration:

When you swipe your membership card to enter the gym – you agree to the following:

  1. You feel well and ready for a great workout!
  2. You do not have any of the following symptoms – fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath
  3. You are not aware of being in contact with a person who is being tested for and/or a person who has tested positive for COVID 19

1O. Contact Tracing

Gym 115 actively support health authorities in contact tracing by:

  • Maintaining a register of members attending the facilities, including date and time (electronic)
  • Members are requested upon entry to declare their fitness to enter the facility – see above.
  • Provide government bodies with attendee information if requested.


Posters & Other Useful Resources

Simple Steps to Stop the Spread

Social Distancing

Good Hygiene